PH.D. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), 2002.
Major field: Modern Languages and Literatures
Minor field:
Museum Studies (Archival Emphasis)
Scholarships: Rogers Memorial
Merit Fellowship
MA UNL, 1998.
Major field: Modern Languages and Literatures, with a Specialization in German
Minor field: History
Scholarships: Rogers
Memorial Merit Fellowship
BA UNL, 1996.
Major: German
Dual minor: English and History; Deans List.
AA Antelope Valley College, Lancaster, California, 1991.
Major: Liberal Arts
Los Angeles Valley College, Van Nuys, California, 1989.
Major: Liberal Arts
St. Gregory’s
College, Shawnee, Oklahoma, 1985-1987.
Major: Liberal Arts
The American Library Association’s “Choice Academic Book of the Year Award” for 2005 was
awarded for the book German Scholars and Ethnic Cleansing, 1920-1945; for my scholarly contribution to this book, see below in Publications.
Joseph S. Height Literary Award (Germans from Russia Heritage Society, Bismarck, North Dakota), 2004.
A. Monographs
With Mary Ellen Ducey. On Stage . . . Shakespeare at the University Libraries. An online University publication available at:
"Völuspá" and "Hrafnagaldr Oðins" with "Baldrs draumar." The Icelandic Edda Poems “Song of the Seeress” and “Odin's Raven Song" with "Baldr’s Dreams.” Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Samuel D. Sinner. Vol. 1 Völuspá. (Lincoln, Nebraska: Nonce Publishers, forthcoming).
"Völuspá" and "Hrafnagaldr Oðins" with "Baldrs draumar." The Icelandic Edda Poems “Song of the Seeress” and “Odin's Raven Song" with "Baldr’s Dreams.” Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Samuel D. Sinner. Vol. 2 Hrafnagaldr Oðins and Baldrs draumar. (Lincoln, Nebraska: Nonce Publishers, forthcoming).
Autumn Thoughts--Under Ruins and Snow: An Experiment in Ethnic Anthology. Two Centuries of German-Russian Poetry, Short Stories, and Essays. Translations, Commentary, and Original Compositions by Samuel Sinner (Fargo, North Dakota: North Dakota State University Libraries, 2003).
Twelve German Tales from Russia. Twelve Tales of Fantasy and the Supernatural (Fargo, North Dakota: North Dakota State University Libraries, 2003).
The Open Wound. The Genocide of Russian and Soviet German Ethnic Minorities, 1915-1945 and Beyond./ Der Genozid an Rußlanddeutschen, 1915-1945. With forewords by Dr. Gerd Stricker (Zollikon, Switzerland) and Eric Schmaltz (Lincoln, Nebraska). A bilingual edition. (Fargo, North Dakota: North Dakota State University Libraries, 2000).
Letters from Hell: An Index to Famine Letters from “Die Welt-Post,” 1920-1925; 1930- 1934 (Lincoln, Nebraska: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 2000).
Book article co-authored with Eric Schmaltz, “The Nazi Ethnographic Research of Georg Leibbrandt and Karl Stumpp in Ukraine, and Its North American Legacy.” In German Scholars and Ethnic Cleansing, 1920-1945. Eds. Michael Fahlbusch, Ingo Haar, Georg Iggers (Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books, 2005; paperback, 2006). The book is described at:
“Sonderkommando Dr. Karl Stumpp.” In Handbuch der völkischen Wissenschaft: Personen, Institutionen, Forschungsprogramme, Stiftungen Eds. Michael Fahlbusch, Ingo Haar. (München: K. G. Saur, 2008). The book is described at:
Semyuel Zinner, “Vvedenie v biografiyu i tvorchestvo Ioganna Petera Zinnera (Petr Ivanivich Zinner, 1879-1935), nemetzkogo povolzhskogo poeta i zhertvy stalinskikh repressii,” (per. c angliiskogo S. Zakharyana). In Zhivaya pamyat' irkutskoi filologii (mezhvuzovskii sbornik nauchnykh trudov i vospominanii), pod redaktsiei I. Vykhodtsevoi i S. Zakharyana (Irkutsk, Russia: Irkutsk State Pedagogical University, 2003), 7-17.
Semyuel Zinner, “Sibirskii sneg” (poem “Siberian Snow” by Samuel Sinner, translated into Russian by Dr. Sergey Zakharian). In Zhivaya pamyat' irkutskoi filologii (mezhvuzovskii sbornik nauchnykh trudov i vospominanii), pod redaktsiei I. Vykhodtsevoi i S. Zakharyana (Irkutsk, Russia: Irkutsk State Pedagogical University, 2003), 6-7.
Translation from German: Ernst Strohmaier, “Trudarmija” (unabridged version) Germans from Russia Heritage Review (Bismarck, North Dakota) 33 no. 4 (December 2003): 8-11, 14-15.
Co-authored with Eric Schmaltz, “‘You Will Die Under Ruins and Snow’: The Soviet Repression of Russian Germans as a Case Study of Successful Genocide,” Journal of Genocide Research (Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Carfax Publishing) 4 no. 3 (September 2002): 327-56.
“Herbstgedanken ('Autumn Thoughts'). Poem by Peter Sinner. Translated by Samuel D. Sinner,” Germans from Russia Heritage Review32 no. 1 (March 2002): 32.
“Recent Research on Peter Sinner, Volga-German Poet and Stalin Victim,” Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 23 no. 2 (Summer 2000): 47-54.
“An Open Wound,” Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 23 no. 2 (Summer 2000): 35-40.
Translation from German: Wolfgang Döke (German Consul in Moscow), “The Basis of the Federal Republic of Germany’s Promotion Policies on Behalf of the Russian Federation’s German Minority and the Moscow German-Russian House’s Position within the System of Assistance Measures,” Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 23 no. 2 (Summer 2000): 11-16.
“Peter Sinner: Gedichte,” Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Rußland 2000 (Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Rußland, 2000): 195-99.
Translation from German (abridged): Ernst Strohmaier, “Trudarmija,” Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 22 no. 2 (Summer 1999): 1-5.
Co-authored with Eric Schmaltz. “The Nazi Ethnographic Research of Georg Leibbrandt and Karl Stumpp in Ukraine and Its North American Legacy,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies. (Published by Oxford University Press for the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC) 14 no. 1 (Spring 2000): 28-64. The essay is described at:
Translation from German: Benjamin Pinkus, “The Germans of the Soviet Union at the Beginning of World War II,”Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 22 no.1 (Spring 1999): 22-30.
“Famine in the Volga Basin, 1920-1924, and the American Volga Relief Society Records,” Nebraska History (Lincoln, Nebraska: Nebraska State Historical Society [NSHS]) 78 no. 3 (Fall 1997): 134-138.
Michael Fahlbusch, “The Role and Impact of German Ethno-Political Scientists in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt IIIB and VIG.” In German Scholars and Ethnic Cleansing, 1920-1945. Eds. Michael Fahlbusch, Ingo Haar, Georg Iggers (Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books, 2005, 2006). Edited stylistics, English grammar, formatting, and about four pages of translation from German into English.
Eric J. Schmaltz, An Expanded Bibliography and Reference Guide for the Former Soviet Union’s Germans: Issues of Ethnic Autonomy, Group Repression, Cultural Assimilation, and Mass Emigration in the Twentieth Century and Beyond (Fargo, North Dakota: North Dakota State University Libraries, 2002), xxxvi + 210 pp. Edited for English grammar, stylistics, Russian transcription, and typographical errors.
I regularly proofread and critique book review and essay drafts for other scholars. The final versions are published in several peer-reviewed journals and usually deal with humanities subjects, history, and modern cognitive and epistemological theories.
"Ethnic Cleansing in the Soviet Union: Literary and Historical Approaches," July 9, 2004, for the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 35th International Convention, Modesto, California.
German Studies Association, 20 Sept. 2003 conference in New Orleans. Panel Title: European Scholars and Ethnopolitics during the Third Reich. Moderator: Eric D. Weitz, University of Minnesota. Commentator: John Connelley, Berkeley, California. Speaker: Samuel Sinner, “Georg Leibbrandt and Karl Stumpp and the Fate of Jews and Russian Germans in Ukraine.” Speaker: Viorel Achim (Bucharest, Rumania), “Rumanian-German Collaboration. The Case of Sabin Manuila.” Speaker: Michael Fahlbusch (Basle, Switzerland), “Scholars as Ethnopolitical Experts in Special SS Units: Hans Joachim Beyer and Fritz Valjavec.”
“Dr. Georg Leibbrandt and Sonderkommando Dr. Karl Stumpp in Nazi-Occupied Ukraine, 1941-1943,” panel presentation with Eric Schmaltz at the Forty-Second Annual Missouri Valley History Conference, University of Nebraska-Omaha, 11-13 March 1999.
“An Open Wound: The Russian-German Genocide 1915-1945 and Beyond,” June 15, 2000, for the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 31st International Convention, Lincoln, Nebraska.
“Recent Research on Peter Sinner, Volga-German Poet and Victim of Stalin,” June 14, 2000, for the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 31st International Convention, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Poetry Reading (Original poetry and translations of German and Russian poetry), July 9, 2004, at the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 35th International Convention, Modesto, California.
“Shakespeare: Beyond the First Folio. Rare Shakespeare Books at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Archives/Special Collections,” Friends of the Libraries Annual Meeting, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May 8, 2003.
“Processing Nuremberg Trials Archival Materials. Case 7: Against the Generals,” University of Nebraska-Lincoln Museum Studies Seminar, September 25, 2001.
“Ethnic-German Minority Literature in Russia, 1760s-1999,” November Nächte/November Nights Lecture Series at the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR) (Lincoln, Nebraska), November 9, 1999.
“Mortality in the Poetry of Volga-German Poet and Stalin Victim Petr Ivanovich Zinner (1879-1935),” November Nächte/November Nights Lecture Series at AHSGR, November 16, 1999.
“Genocide of Russian Germans,” July 13, 1997, for Hastings-Grand Island Mid-Nebraska Chapter of AHSGR, in Hastings, Nebraska.
“Der Genozid an Rußlanddeutschen,” April 19, 1997, for the American Association of Teachers of German, at AHSGR.
“World War II Deportation of Russian Germans,” 1997, for AHSGR Lincoln chapter. “The Genocide of East European and Russian Germans,” 1997, for German American Club, Lincoln, Nebraska.
“The Volga Relief Society,” September 15, 1996, for AHSGR Lincoln chapter.
“The Genocide of Russian Germans,” April 21, 1996, for AHSGR Lincoln chapter.
“Russian German Folklore,” 1996, for AHSGR Lincoln chapter.
“The History of Lincoln’s Russian Germans,” October 1995, guest lecture at University of Nebraska-Lincoln for University Lecturer Catherine Gabel’s Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) international students course.
“Medieval History and Knights,” 1986, for Young Scholars Day at St. Gregory’s College/University, Shawnee, Oklahoma.
Humanities research and creative writing published in America, Great Britain, Germany, and Russia in the following languages: English, German, and Russian
Editing and proofreading scholarly publications, masters theses, and dissertations
Translating modern and ancient foreign languages including German, Russian, Ukrainian, Hebrew, Assyrian, Latin, Greek, Coptic, Old Norse, ancient Arabic, etc.; occasional use of additional modern European and ancient Near Eastern languages
Collaborating on international scholarly projects in the humanities
Experience working on projects funded by major grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Supervising and training staff, student assistants, and volunteers
Processing archival materials and appraising rare books and manuscripts
2007-2008: Author and Translator for Matheson Trust, London England
2005-2006: Independent editor and author
University of Nebraska – Lincoln Libraries University Archives and Special Collections: August 2001 – August 2004 Special Collections Assistant
Working on the Benjamin Botkin Collection of Applied Folklore, a major NEH federally funded grant project. Responsibilities include training, planning, and assigning tasks to staff, student assistants, and volunteers in order to meet short term and long term deadlines; preparing materials for microfilming; developing and maintaining Access database; compiling statistics; collaborating with coworkers in establishing guidelines for processing materials and creating finding aids.
Encoding finding aids for John Neihardt, William R. Newbold, and other collections in EAD using NoteTab Light; understanding of XML concepts
Assisting in developing online exhibits and public displays on Islamic illuminated manuscripts, Native American art, Emily Dickinson, Renaissance illuminated manuscripts, Helen Keller, Shakespeare, etc.
Identifying and researching archival materials for use in instructional presentations for undergraduate and graduate classes in history and literature.
Identifying and translating foreign language archival materials for patrons and university faculty; assisting other employees with foreign language questions related to UNL archival holdings and scholarly research.
Assisting patrons with research questions related to archival materials; reference desk assignments; participating in department and unit meetings
Conducted rare books and manuscripts appraisal survey and identified materials relating to Shakespeare, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, George and Ira Gershwin, H. G. Wells, Hermann Broch, and several other major historical and literary personalities.
Identifying books for preservation and transfer to the archives vault; recommending rare book purchases
Nov.-Dec. 2002
Working on the Virtual Archive of Walt Whitman Manuscripts, a major NEH grant funded project. Responsibilities included organizing existing correspondence to identify institutions in America and Great Britain with Walt Whitman manuscripts; composing correspondence to obtain copies for the Virtual Archive of Walt Whitman Manuscripts; providing progress reports at meetings.
Nebraska State Historical Society (NSHS): May – August 2001 Museum Studies internship
Responsibilities included processing two collections and created finding aids. The collections measured approximately forty cubic feet and eleven cubic feet, respectively. The smaller collection consisted of English and German language papers from the Nuremberg Trials, Case VII. The larger collection contained the studio contents of artist John P. Falter (1910-1982), Saturday Evening Post illustrator. Other duties included updating databases and processing correspondence related to archival materials purchased by and donated to the NSHS.
September – December 1997; January - May 1998
Assisting patrons with research-related questions.
Processing and creating microfilm targets for the American Volga Relief Society collection consisting of Russian, German, and English language materials.
Creating finding aids.
University of Nebraska – Lincoln Libraries Circulation: 1995-1997
Earlier college employment experience:
St. Gregory’s College Library, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Circulation: 1985-1987
Linguistic Society of America (Washington DC)
German Studies Association
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia
Germans from Russia Hreitage Society